Art2Ride Clinic hosts Peter Horobin Saddlery

Kriemhild Morgenroth provides us with an update on her recent travels to Germany and Sweden.

Master saddler Gyde Wessel and I have been on the road for nearly 10 days. Thousands of kilometres travelled, we visited quite a number of stables in northern Germany, witnessed wonderful horses developing and moving freely in their Peter Horobin saddles.

Started in Simlangsdalen, we were giving the students of the Art2Ride clinic the possibility to ride in a Peter Horobin saddle during their lesson. Result was amazing, horses moved much better, a totally free movement in the shoulder.

Since yesterday we are at Anna Mia Tjärnlund´s place. Anna Mia is a professional horse riding teacher, learned in Germany with Karin Lührs and is an incredible "horse person“ I really do love the way she handles her horses.

This morning Anna Mia tried the new Gerd Heuschmann model and she was really surprised about the big change of movement in her horse.

Her testimonial reads "This saddle offers the full range,comfort for the horse!!! and the rider"

Tomorrow we have another day at Jädra Gard,then we will join another Art2Ride clinic on Thursday in Knivstra.

After that,long drive back to Germany. Gyde will go home and i continue my journey through Neustadt/Dosse,Berlin and Switzerland.

I really do love this work, helping the horses to move without pain and in total freedom with their PH saddles, always enjoying meeting nice people - as with every horse and rider I continue to learn.

Horses. Riders & Saddles. Life is beautiful.